Happy New Year! Setting Goals for 2019.

A new year means a new start.  Many of us begin the new year with resolutions i.e. a firm decision to do/not do something.  We set out with great intentions to do better at home, at school, with our hobbies and with our friends.  Often we encourage the children in our class to set resolutions. The challenge with resolutions is, once broken, they can create a sense of failure that can be demotivating.

Framing our desire for change in terms of goals may help to overcome this, for these are aims/desired results.  Successful attainment is the product of effort and ambition.  That means taking sustained steps each day towards our goal.  Yes, it is inevitable there will be stumbling blocks along the way.  Part of realising the goal is finding ways to overcome such obstacles.

The attached presentation may be used to discuss some of these ideas around goal-setting with pupils. They are encouraged to think of the attributes they will need to see their goal through to completion. As there are a myriad of templates online for target-setting, it is suggested pupils find one they like and that fits their purpose, or design their own layout in their journal.

Here’s wishing you a happy, healthy, and productive 2019!

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