About Us

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Who We Are

Welcome to our little company. At Dumond Education, we aim to provide useful and flexible educational resources, games, and activities to enable you to support the learning and development of your child/children or of the children in your class.

Our team has notched up nearly 50 years’ of ‘chalk face’ teaching experience in a range of countries, school contexts, and positions. As well as our own extensive educational experience, we have built up an advisory network of Educational and Clinical Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists, Behaviour Specialists, Board Certified Behaviour Analysts (BCBAs), Subject Specialists and parents who all support us with our product development.

Welcome to our little company

Our products are designed with educational outcomes in mind.  Where possible, they are multi-purpose, addressing more than one skill or area.  A key feature of our resources are our comprehensive instructions and guides which contain detailed tips, ideas, and information about how our products can be used to support a variety of learning outcomes and to enable you to get the most from them.

We are a creative bunch here at Dumond and we are always working on developing new resources to support teaching and learning. If a product has the ‘Own Brand’ sticker on it, this means that it has been created and developed in-house by the Dumond Team.

All our products are developed with the same 3 guiding questions always in mind:

  1. Will people find them useful?
  2. Will they enhance teaching and learning activities and opportunities?
  3. Are they great quality and great value?

Whilst we enjoy creating our own products,we also keep an eye out and an ear to ground for other great quality, great value products to bring you to support teaching and learning. We specifically look for quality, useablility, flexibility and products that are fit for purpose. Any product that we stock has been handpicked by our team. As experienced educators,we ask ourselves if we would use the product.How would we use the product? If we like a product then we give it the ‘Handpicked’ sticker. Then, uniquely, we often write our own user guidance/information sheets or a blog post for each one providing additional teaching and learning ideas, further information,and activities for you to use to get the most from each product.

While the Dumond Team and our extended network of advisors are all highly experienced and we are confident in the usefulness of our home grown and handpicked products, we didnt want you to only get our perspective. So, before we list a product in our store, we get further feedback from a range of other people (parents,teachers and other educational professionals) during our product focus groups. The focus groups enable people to get ‘hands on and up close’ with the products, discuss what they like/don’t like about them, share how they think they could be used and so on. This feedback is really useful to us. If the focus groups don’t like a product, or they can’t see how it could help promote teaching and learning, then that product quite simply gets rejected and just doesnt make the cut. If a product does pass the focus group selection. then we give it the Teacher Tested Approved sticker.

We hope that you find all our products useful in supporting teaching and learning. If there is a product that you would like but can’t find, let us know and we can either try to source it for you or create it for you ourselves.

Thanking you,

The Dumond Team

Dumond Learning OÜ
Registered Company Address: Ahtri 12, Tallinn 10151, Estonia
Company Reg. No.: 14870526

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