Introducing the business and education tech side of Dumond Learning OU

Synergistic Products is the business and education tech side of Dumond Learning OU. Developing simple, useable and cost-effective tools that enable all the key activities you need to undertake on a daily basis to actually happen easily, effectively and efficiently. In short, our goal is to make things better within organisations.

Based on research, best practice, leadership and learning theories, combined with the integration of cutting-edge technology, our products actually deliver what they are intended to do – support working practice, enable growth, add value and provide a positive ROI for your organisation.

At the heart of all our products is a belief in the benefits of teamwork, simplicity, support and collaboration.

Imagine a world where people didn’t dread their performance management appraisal, where managers didn’t spend hours and hours of their time preparing for something that they actually feel is pointless.

Imagine if you had a system that actually developed performance and enabled progress… stop imagining and let us introduce you to REFLECT.

The (better) alternative to traditional performance management.

Ensure that your performance development process is valued, cost effective, owned and led by each individual employee and, importantly, is a process that actually delivers a better ROI for the company.


REFLECT is the perfect alternative to traditional performance management processes. Traditional performance management processes are frequently universally disliked, often demotivating, generally seen as having little or no impact on performance, and are expensive and time consuming.


95% of HR managers would like to change their current systems, so here is the alternative – REFLECT by Synergistic Products.

Watch this short introduction video all about REFLECT

Take a look at the website and please feel free to share these details with others.

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