June 28th
Welcome to today’s Daily Chat. Here you’ll find an assortment of conversation starters to suit a range of learners. I have categorised them as ‘On This Day’ (a question prompted by a moment in history), ‘Connect & Converse’ (general questions suitable for a range of different ages), ‘Daily Dilemma’ (Could you? Would you? Should you? If…).
Select one or more and begin conversing and building oral language skills today. Being able to engage and communicate with others, to reason and explain, and to ask questions to clarify understanding are vital skills for our pupils. Broad general knowledge underpins reading comprehension; in turn, this supports written communication.
Engage your pupils, get to know them better, and boost their confidence with our Daily Chat prompts. Our Big Chat Campaign is designed to promote conversations in schools. Find out more about sponsoring Big Chat banners for your local school here.
What shall we talk about today?
On This Day
Today’s On This Day conversation starter is a fun one for any dog lovers out there. It marks the first ever dog show held in 1859 in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. Do you know where Newcastle is?
To encourage “big chats” today, I have created a canine quiz! How will you do?
How do you think you did? Are you ready for the answers?
Connect and Converse
What is an invention you think we take for granted in our lives?
Daily Dilemma
For today’s Daily Dilemma, what are your thoughts on the following?
Big Chat
Our Big Chat Campaign aims to highlight the importance of conversation for building connections and as a foundation for learning. Why not sponsor some Big Chat banners for your local school today?
Big Chat – Connecting People One Conversation At A Time!
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