September 27th – World Tourism Day
Welcome to today’s Daily Chat. Here you’ll find an assortment of conversation starters to suit a range of learners. I have categorised them as ‘On This Day’ (a question prompted by a moment in history), ‘Connect & Converse’ (general questions suitable for a range of different ages), ‘Daily Dilemma’ (Could you? Would you? Should you? If…).
Select one or more and begin conversing and building oral language skills today. Being able to engage and communicate with others, to reason and explain, and to ask questions to clarify understanding are vital skills for our pupils. Broad general knowledge underpins reading comprehension; in turn, this supports written communication.
Engage your pupils, get to know them better, and boost their confidence with our Daily Chat prompts. Our Big Chat Campaign is designed to promote conversations in schools. Find out more about sponsoring Big Chat banners for your local school here.
What shall we talk about today?
On This Day
Einstein is the inspiration for today’s On This Day conversation starter. Do you have a favourite quotation from those shared below? Is there another one you like better?
Connect and Converse
On this World Tourism Day, our Connect and Converse question asks pupils to consider the ability of the tourism industry to bounce back from COVID-19.
Big Chat Extension Prompts:
- What are some popular tourist attractions in your area?
- Where might a tourist stay if they visited your area?
- What types of tourism jobs can you identify in your area?
- Can you think of any jobs that were lost due to the pandemic?
- Have any of those jobs returned as yet?
Daily Dilemma
In your opinion, what’s the best car and why?
Big Chat
Our Big Chat Campaign aims to highlight the importance of conversation for building connections and as a foundation for learning. Why not sponsor some Big Chat banners for your local school today?
Big Chat – Connecting People One Conversation At A Time!
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