This download contains the 50 cards in CardEd Set 3 in PDF format for individual display. This is ideal for projecting in a classroom to prompt a whole-class activity or discussion or for downloading to a tablet or phone for use when out-and-about.
CardEd activities were created with a range of learning goals and thinking skills in mind, including phonics, mathematics, and problem-solving. Promoting oral language and social interaction were to the fore in designing each CardEd deck. As such, CardEd activities can be used to assist with the teaching/consolidation of letters and sounds, numbers, shapes, and to promote vocabulary development. Each set builds on the content of the previous one but can be used on a standalone basis. CardEd cards are divided into 6 zones (Colour, Symbol, Letter, Word, Number, and Mathematics/Image) with content as follows in set 3.
Set 3: Colours, Mathematical Symbols (> and <), Vowels, Consonants and Final Digraphs/Blends, More Complex Word Ladders and Compound Words Tasks, Numbers 51 – 100, and Sudoku and Magic Squares.
Children learn when adults are responsive to them and when positive conversations are taking place. CardEd activities encourage positive conversations by creating opportunities for interaction and fun. CardEd activities may be used in a range of settings and contexts: at home, at school or when out-and-about. They are useful as icebreaker activities, lesson starters, and for individual/group games. Families may enjoy packing a CardEd deck to pass the time on long journeys.
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